
Showing posts from April, 2020

Can Supplements Lower Your Risk of Coronavirus Infection?

There is a lot of news and information being churned out when it comes to the latest Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. When it comes to supplements, there is also a lot of confusion due to the overwhelming mixing of credible scientific information and marketing hypes available on the internet. Information is all over the place and we have tried to compile the major ones into one place. There are several supplements that might help and we have arranged them in order of importance based on available scientific evidence. 1. Vitamin C Most people turn to vitamin C after they've caught a cold. Because your body doesn't produce or store it, you need daily vitamin C for continued health. Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C appears to be able to both prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections by enhancing various immune cell functions. Prophylactic prevention of infection requires dietary vitamin C intakes that provide at least adequate, i


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