
Showing posts from August, 2023

This May Lead to 40-Fold Increased Risk of Schizophrenia: Study

The deletion of a single gene and the crippling effects this has on mitochondria may be responsible for a 40-fold increased risk of developing a devastating mental illness, a   new study   finds. For decades, researchers have theorized that several genetic underpinnings play a critical role in the development of schizophrenia. But an investigation led by scientists at Emory University and Rutgers published in Science Advances reveals that a missing gene 3q29 could cause the psychiatric disorder due to the significant adverse impact its absence has on mitochondrial function. The 3q29 gene is a micro portion of chromosome 3. The consequences of a lack of this small piece of DNA in each cell vary widely, with some individuals ending up with no problems at all. In contrast, others may suffer from   more severe things   like delayed development, intellectual disabilities, and behavioral and mental health issues. About   1 in 30,000 people   are

Iron: The Most Common Nutrient Deficiency, Linked to Parkinson’s and Compromised Immunity

Iron deficiency affects about   30 percent   of the global population, making it the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. It is also one of the most harmful. Consequences vary from impaired brain development in children and increased dementia risks in adults to hindered cognitive functioning and a crippled immune system across all age groups. While children and pregnant women regularly get tested for anemia—a condition of not having enough red blood cells—doctors don’t typically screen adults for iron deficiency. Also, the condition can initially be so mild that it goes unnoticed for months or even years. Iron’s Significance Many people know iron deficiency leads to anemia. Iron is needed to make hemoglobin, a protein that gives red blood cells their color and transports oxygen throughout the body. But its function is more than that. 1. Neurogenerative Diseases Energy production requires iron. Inside almost every cell, “powerhouse” mitochondria generate energy for all bodil

Royal Jelly Shows Promise in Assisting Stem Cell Research

Aside from being vital pollinators, bees produce a number of products that benefit human health. Honey 1   is an obvious one, but there are others as well, such as royal jelly, a nutritious substance secreted by nurse bees as exclusive nourishment for the queen of the hive. Research 2 , 3 , 4  by Stanford University scientists found royalactin (also known as major royal jelly protein 1, or MRJP1), a protein found in royal jelly responsible for the queen's massive growth, has the ability to keep embryonic stem cells pluripotent. This initial finding could eventually lead to the development of drugs to boost stem cells in the human body, allowing for the regeneration of healthy tissue in damaged organs, be it your heart, eyes, skin or spinal cord. They also identified a protein with similar qualities found in mammals, which they dubbed Regina — a nod to the queen bee for which royalactin is made — which like royalactin allows embryonic stem cells to maintain their naïve state. Accord

Telomeres: Evidence Our Food Choices Affect Longevity

What if you could measure the effect that the foods you eat have on the length of your life? Might you change your mind about reaching for that bag of chips? Research is revealing how different foods affect the length of our telomeres. Scientists consider these tiny caps at the end of each of our chromosomes to be a reliable mark of biological age and of our risk of developing age-related diseases. Telomeres and Their Importance The word telomere comes from the Greek “telos,” meaning “end,” and “meros,” meaning “part”; telomeres are the protective end parts of our chromosomes. Telomeres cap the ends of our chromosomes and protect our DNA by preventing chromosomes from breaking down and fusing with other chromosomes during replication. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres get shorter, and the cell’s lifespan decreases, resulting in cellular aging. Eventually, telomeres get so short that the cell can die. Shortened telomeres have been associated with increased risks of  cardiovascula


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