COVID-19 Long-haul Syndrome (Post COVID Syndrome): Symptoms, Treatment and I-RECOVER Protocol
Up to 80% of patients experience prolonged illness after COVID-19. LHCS (Long Haul COVID Syndrome) is not only seen after the COVID infection but it is being observed in some people that have received vaccines. According to a recent study of Mayo Clinic patients who had COVID-19, about 75% of the people suffering long COVID symptoms — defined as persistent symptoms even six months after recovery — are women. LHCS may persistent for months after the acute infection and almost half of patients report reduced quality of life. Patients may suffer prolonged neuropsychological symptoms, including multiple domains of cognition. ( Ref , Ref ) What are some common symptoms of post COVID syndrome? Their typical symptoms can include: Headaches Sleep difficulties Hair loss Smell disorder Decreased appetite Cognitive (ability to think) issues Erratic heartbeat Chest pain Fatigue Gastrointestinal issues Intoleranc...