
Showing posts from May, 2024

Intermittent Fasting and Cancer - Fred Evrard

About four months after being diagnosed with stage 3   colorectal cancer , Fred Evrard was told by his smiling doctor: “Mr. Evrard, you are cancer free.” A lot had happened in just four months. Stage 3 Colon Cancer Hit When His Body Was at Its Peak On Sept. 10, 2020, Fred Evrard, aged 48, experienced a devastating blow in his life—he was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, and the tumor in his body reached 10 centimeters in length. The news came as a real surprise to Evrard, a strong athletic martial arts instructor. Evrard has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. Over the past few decades, he has been active in various fitness activities such as boxing, parkour, tai chi, qigong, and meditation, in addition to teaching martial arts classes. His body was in prime shape when he was diagnosed, weighing 70 kg (154 lbs) with only nine percent body fat. His lifestyle and diet were also extremely healthy in the eyes of ordinary people. Evrard has been a vegetarian for many year

Fasting as an Effective Anti-Cancer Strategy: Inspiring Success Stories

Fasting has gained much popularity in recent years. In addition to its weight loss benefits, research has found that fasting also plays a role in cancer prevention and treatment. In the two inspiring stories below a stage IV cancer patient achieved remarkable success in fighting and eliminating cancer through fasting, and a Japanese physician who followed a 16-hour fasting routine for 13 years is living cancer free. Two Intermittent Fasting Success Stories Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor, renowned health author, and internet personality, interviewed Guy Tenenbaum, a cancer patient, on his  YouTube channel . Tenenbaum had previously been diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer, but since then his cancer has disappeared. Prior to the cancer diagnosis, Tenenbaum had been dealing with Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, bone and joint pain, inflammation, and weighed about 230 pounds (104 kilograms). According to the interview, in August 2018, Tenenbaum went to the hospital due t


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