Best Nutrients to Have in Your ‘One a Day’ Supplement
Are you consuming a “one a day” type supplement? For many people, the taking of a multivitamin/multimineral (MM) supplement is to “cover all the bases,” trying to make sure no significant vitamin or mineral deficiencies occur among the vitamins and minerals commonly considered to be the most important. This is a perfectly reasonable goal, especially for the individual without the money, time, or motivation to take a wide array of more highly-dosed supplements and nutrients throughout the day. By the same token, achieving such a “lack of deficiency” should not lead you to think that a given vitamin, mineral, or other nutrient is being optimally supplemented. Are You Expecting Too Much From Your Doctor? Sadly, many health care providers consider MM supplements, as well as supplementation in general, to be a complete waste of money, so don’t count on receiving clear-cut guidelines or support from your doctor or even from friends you may have in the health care industry. As with so m...