Aesthetic Practitioners in Malaysia
- General Practitioners
- Medical Specialists e.g. Dermatologists
- Surgical Specialists e.g. Plastic Surgeons, Oculo-plastic eye surgeons etc.
- Major invasive procedures such as breast augmentation with breast implants, and liposuction (more than 1 litre aspirate) under general anaesthesia are only allowed to be performed by surgical specialists e.g. registered plastic surgeons.
- Eyelid surgeries can only be performed by either a plastic surgeon or an oculo-plastic surgeon in a premise with minor surgery room or operation theatre; and not in hotel room.
If you are looking for plastic surgery clinics in Malaysia, please feel free to check out the Facebook on Plastic Surgery in Malaysia.
They have compiled a list of plastic surgery clinics that you may wish to go through before you decide on which plastic surgeon to see in Malaysia or KL (Kuala Lumpur).
If you are looking for plastic surgery reviews in Malaysia, please feel free to check out Plastic Surgery Malaysia Reviews.
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