Treatment should start based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferably within the first 3 days of symptoms. Perform PCR testing, but do not withhold treatment pending results.

Note: IVM = Ivermectin

See the directory of professionals in various countries below.

Global Directory of Doctors (by Country) Prescribing Effective Outpatient COVID-19 Therapy


Dr. Darrell DeMello (IVM)      +91-7718079507

Dr. Fabio Lopes Bueno Netto      +55 (11) 9 9118 5051(Tel / WhatsApp)


Dr. M. Anwar Noor (IVM)      +93-775313155


States using IVM: Corrientes, Jujuy, Misiones, Pampa, Salta, Santa Cruz, Tucuman

Dr. Hector Eduardo Carvallo (IVM)                   11 4389 1215

Dr. Maria Eugenia Farinella (IVM)                     11 4389 1215

Dr. Roberto Raul Hirsch (IVM)                           11 4360 5700

Dr. Rodrigo Zoni (IVM)                                       54 379 441 00 00

AUSTRALIA (Australian doctor who will prescribe ivermectin)

Dr. Peter Lewis (IVM)                                          3 9822 9996


Dr. Mohammad Tarek Alam (IVM)                     9120792 93


IVM approved by Belize’s Ministry of Health as a prescription treatment option for Covid-19


Bolivian government added IVM to its guidelines for treating coronavirus infections in May 2020

Dr. Andres Zurita (IVM)                                     +79606228793      (consultations by telemedine for all Bolivia)



Cities using IVM: Belem, Fortaleza,Itajai, Paranagua, Porto Alegre, Porto Feliz
Dr. Wilton Adriano (Golania, Goias)
Dr. Felipe Dias Wanderley de Carvalho (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais)
Dr. Lucy Kerr 55 11 3287 3755 (São Paulo)
Dr. Maria de Fátima Gomes de Luna (Fortaleza, Ceará)
Dr. Carolina Muniz (Rio de Janeiro)
Dr. Jussara Resende 55 11 98825 6308 (São Paulo)
Dr. Claudia de Bessa Solmucci 31 4009 8200 (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais)


Use of IVM for COVID-19 treatment is common



Dr. Sam Enoh (IVM)                                   


Ivermectin Included in National Government Protocol for Treating COVID-19


BC CDC, Alberta Health Services: IVM not recommended for COVID-19 outside of approved clinical trials (April 21, 2021).

However, no COVID-19-related IVM clinical trials have been authorised by Health Canada as of May 23, 2021:

In Canada the official narrative is that there is no generally accepted outpatient care. Ivermectin is not recommended for COVID-19 outside of approved clinical trials (however no COVID-19-related IVM clinical trials have been authorized by Health Canada as of May 23, 2021).

In Canada doctors can only prescribe ivermectin off-label, as detailed further in the attached document. There are select few physicians in Canada who do prescribe ivermectin off-label to their patients, but they do so at risk of their license and are unable to service a wider number of patients. Add to that, even if you do find a doctor who is willing to prescribe ivermectin, you will have difficulty finding a pharmacist to fulfill your prescription as they have also been warned against filling prescriptions for ivermectin used as prevention or treatment of Covid.

One Canadian doctor interviewed here had been advocating vitamin D, C, zinc, selenium, as well as quercetin per the protocol of CIMA doctors (Canadian Integrative Medical Association). However when he began seeing patients who were really sick with Covid-19 he knew he needed to do more. His interview can be found here: in this full recording of a webinar with three distinguished medical doctors from South Africa, Canada and USA on the practice of early outpatient treatment treatment for COVID-19.

In Canada the Canadian Covid Care Alliance is working to get ivermectin widely available in Canada – you can sign up for updates at their website here: They are aligned with the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), well known for the work they’ve done in helping ivermectin become more recognized as a reliable preventative and treatment in the USA. There is also this petition demanding early covid-19 treatments in Alberta: you may wish to sign.



Physicians can prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19 patients; then report it in the Infectious Diseases Information System


HCQ available; IVM being tested for COVID-19 treatment


IVM is used widely both for prophylaxis and for treatment of COVID-19. Some doctors use HCQ as well.

Dr. José Natalio Redondo Galan (IVM)  


National treatment guidelines issued November 2020


Government sanctioned protocol includes IVM


IVM generally available for COVID-19 but patient may have to request it ... IVM not included in national guidelines

Coordination Santé Libre

Dr. Sabine Paliard-Franco (HCQ)                      3 81 07 62 64

Dr. Denis Gastaldi (HCQ)                                  3 87 86 31 05

Dr. Jean-Jacques Erbstein (HCQ)                     3 87 94 49 71


Dr. Jorge Alfonso Lemus (IVM)                         WhatsApp 502 5391 7777  (Guatemala City)


Government approved protocol includes IVM and HCQ


Clinical trial of IVM for COVID-19 treatment  at the South Pest Central Hospital and the National Institute of Pulmonology 



Most of India uses IVM in the first line of treatment for COVID-19

Dr. Rakesh Arora (IVM)                                       97792114  

Dr. V. K. Arora (IVM)                                           120 4880077

Dr. Digambar Behera (IVM)                              172 274 7585  

Dr. Darrell DeMello (IVM)                                  7718079507   (Mumbai)

Dr. Bhupesh Dewan (IVM)                                 22 30610000

Dr. Jagadish G Donki (IVM)                               9845917230   (Bangalore) 

also treats long Covid-19 (Post COVID Syndrome)

Dr. Surya Kant (IVM)                                           522 2255167    

Dr. Rahul Mayekar (IVM)                                    22 2406 3000

Dr. Parthiv Mehta (IVM)                                     757 500 4800

Dr. Narayana Pradeep (IVM)                             949 6358176

Dr. P. Sarat Singh (IVM)                                      38 5244 3144

Dr. Mohankumar Thekkinkatti (IVM)l                759 8110066

Dr. Agam Vora (IVM)                                          22 2895 4811  

Dr. Asiya Kamber Zaidi (IVM)                 

Clinical Trial - NCT04373824 (Recruiting)

Max Super Speciality hospital, Saket (A unit of Devki Devi Foundation)
New Delhi, Delhi, India, 110017
Contact: Rajesh Saxena, MBA 9818474003 
Principal Investigator: Sandeep Budhiraja, MRCP, FACP - 9810262954

Sub-Investigator: Ram Shankar Mishra, DNB, FRCP - 9810193145


Ivermectin permission to treat COVID-19 from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and from Ministry of Health


Dr. Eli Schwartz (IVM)                                         03-5305000

IVM for COVID-19 information at: 

Clinical Trial - NCT04438850 (Recruiting)
Contact: Zeno Bisoffi, PhD +390456013326 

IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria hospital
Negrar, Verona, Italy, 37024
Contact: Dora Buonfrate 
Principal Investigator: Zeno Bisoffi 
Sub-Investigator: Dora Buonfrate 
Policlinico S. Orsola 
Bologna, Italy
Contact: Luciano Attard 
Ospedale Luigi Sacco 
Milan, Italy
Contact: Spinello Antinori 
Ospedale di Rovereto 
Rovereto, Italy
Contact: Giovanni Pedrotti 



Ministry of Health & Wellness does not recommend for or against IVM in COVID-19 treatment (March 2021)

The Ministry recognizes that some doctors are using IVM for treatment of COVID-19


  • Greenlight for Ivermectin in Japan (18 Aug 2021)
  • Dr. Haruo Ozaki, chairman, Tokyo Medical Association, recommends use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 patients (9 Feb 2021)
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Government plans clinical trials of Ivermectin for outpatient treatment of COVID-19 (30 Jan 2021)​


IVM for COVID-19 treatment approved by MALMED Drug Agency for North Macedonia


States using IVM:  Chiapas

Mexico City government is giving away COVID-19 kits with Ivermectin & Azythtromycin through kiosks.

Dr. Guadalupe Espitia Hernández (IVM)          55 54471424 ext 13272  (Mexico City)

Dr. Ezequiel Jose Castro Ortiz (IVM)       (Monterrey)

Dr. José Humberto Galindo Rendón (IVM)      (492) 156 0805  (Zacatecas)


National treatment guidelines issued January 2021



Clinical trial ​approved in Lagos state for Ivermectin treatment of Covid-19


Dr. Najma Parveen (IVM)                                   322 5335786

Dr. Sohaib Ashraf (IVM)                                      333 447452


Government has approved and stockpiled IVM and HCQ


States using IVM: Alto Parna


National treatment guidelines issued January 2021

Dr. Gustavo Aguirre Chang (IVM)                     Facebook: Gustavo Aguirre             

Dr. Carlos Calampa Del Águila (IVM)               1 641 9847

Dr. Antonio Camargo  (IVM)                             WhatsApp +51 942610346

Dr. Risof Solis Cóndor (IVM)                   

Dr. Jose Eduardo Gotuzzo Heritage (IVM)      1 319 0000

Dr. Yiduv Pettyd Ordoñez Romero (IVM)


A licensed physician may prescribe IVM off label at his/her own discretion in consultation with the patient
Dr. Allan A. Landrito (IVM) 09323137060


Dr. Włodzimierz Bodnar (Amantadine), +48 16 677 00 79, +48 16 671 87 77;


January 27, 2021: The Health Ministry approved the therapeutic use of Ivermectin for six months


Court order determines that physicians, on their own judgement, may prescribe IVM for treatment of COVID-19 (April 6, 2021)

Dr. Shankara Chetty                                  846102030      please WhatsApp

Dr. Alex Ekonomakis                                 117961400

Dr. Chantelle Eybers                                 716248492

Dr. Liandi Fourie                                        126530564

Dr. Hema Kalan                                          126632732

Dr. Gerrie Lindeque                                   568172275       Whatsapp: 060 528 2910

Dr. Claudia Boitshoko Moloabi      (IVM prescribed for Covid 19 prophylaxis)

Dr. Zodwa Ngobese                                  824449268

Dr. Gys du Plessis                                      104428929

Dr. Marna Turner                                        834724948

Dr. Mariska van Tonder                             792899753

Dr. Gerhard Vosloo                                   123465935

Bendiga House                                         083/487-4797  

My Free Doctor                                         +1 850-750-1322   Text



Dr. Marina Bucar Barjud (HCQ)                      +34 902 089 800

United Kingdom

Clinical Trial - NCT04632706 (Recruiting)

Contact: Chief Development Officer +33 698 459099 

MAC Clinical Research Manchester (Early Phase Unit), Neuroscience Centre of Excellence Recruiting
Manchester, Greater Mancherster, United Kingdom, M13 9NQ
Contact: R Kelshaw +44 (0) 161 275 9966 
Contact: L Cheung +44 (0) 161 274 5400 
Principal Investigator: P M Leung 


(see Find a Doctor to Prescribe Ivermectin in US)


Government approved COVID-19 treatment protocol includes IVM and HCQ


The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) has approved use of IVM for prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 

Dr. Jackie Stone


Disclaimer: Information is not guaranteed to be accurate. A particular medical professional currently may not be accepting new patients.


Find a Doctor who will prescribe Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin
McCullough et al (2021)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need a prescription for hydroxychloroquine​?
Yes, hydroxychloroquine is a prescription drug and you do need it to be prescribed to you by a doctor. 

Can hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) be purchased over the counter?
No. Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin are not an OTC (over-the-counter) drug like Tylenol or Nexium where you can just buy it from your local pharmacy. Therefore, the standard route of requiring a prescription and then having a pharmacist fill the prescription is required. On how to get hydroxychloroquine prescription, please refer to the directory above.

COVID-19 Clinical Study Tracking and Meta-analysis

Legal Updates in US: 
  • Several states gave healthcare providers an immunity guarantee for the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID. 
  • Kansas: Kansas’ Senate voted to strengthen religious exemptions and give safe harbor to those prescribing ivermectin.
  • New Hampshire: On May 5, 2022, New Hampshire’s Senate adopted a bill that allows licensed providers to create a standing order for pharmacists to dispense ivermectin (for a legitimate medical purpose). The bill also prohibits medical, nursing and pharmacy boards from disciplining licensees based on that standing order.
  • Indiana State: Attorney General opinion: "Physicians and other HCPs with prescription authority licensed in Indiana may prescribe medication off-label for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 (in.attorneygeneral/Opinion-2022-1.pdf)
  • Nebraska: The State Attorney General of Nebraska issued an opinion the included: " ... available data does not justify filing complaints against physician simply because they prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to prevent or treat COVID-19 ..."
  • Oklahoma: Oklahoma State Attorney General stated that no legal basis exists to discipline medical professionals for prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 (
  • Ohio: A bill introduced in Ohio (April 2022) would prevent health departments, healthcare facilities and pharmacies from refusing to promote or expand access to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID.
  • South Carolina: The Attorney General of South Carolina issued an opinon that included: "... doctors have the right to make important medical decisions, as long as they have the informed consent of their patients. In fighting COVID ... ”
  • Tennessee: Tennessee's legislature made ivermectin essentially an over-the-counter drug in April 2022. The state’s Senate overwhelmingly voted 66-20, and the House voted 22-6 in favor of the bill.  



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